Monday, 12 November 2012

Investment Opportunities - facts about high yield investments

How can you spot good investment opportunities? Successful investors know that there's no definite way to be sure an investment is going to produce high yields, and it's necessary to take risks and be prepared to lose some if you want to win some.

To read more about Chelsea Singh's current investments, click here.

Here are some facts about investments.

No sector is guaranteed - for a long time people thought property was the safest investment, 'guaranteed' to always produce returns. As we've discovered in recent years, EVERYTHING can crash.

It's not about what, but when and how much - any investment can be good if you're getting it at a good enough price, and equally, shares in the most profitable company in the world aren't going to do much good if you're overpaid for them.

Psychology is more important than economics or statistics - otherwise all mathematicians would be millionaires. That's because the markets are volatile and personal and react with emotion, not with cold calculation.

Find out more about Chelsea Singh the Investor, here.

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