Saturday, 10 November 2012

Chelsea Singh's Tips for Entrepreneurs that are Starting out

The entrepreneur is a rare breed. Sure, there are plenty of people who think it would be nice to run their own business one day, but for most of them it will never happen. So what sets entrepreneurs out from mere mortals?

It's about being bold and confident enough to take what you want, about having a strong self-belief and self confidence even in the face of opposition, and it's about getting to know the right people to help you on your way.

Don't be afraid to take risks

If there's one thing that makes an antrepreneur, it's a willingness to take risks. If you're not willing to take a risk, you're never going to win anything more than average. taking risks means getting it wrong sometimes. But entrepreneurs don't have time to cry over spilt milk, they have to move stright onto the next project.

Become a great networker

It's all about who you know. But that doesn't mean you have to be born into a family with riches and connections (thought that certainly helps). Chelsea Singh is evidence that it's possible to build up from nothing - but you have to make friends adn contacts on the way and you have to be willing to take their advice and know when to listen to their assistance.

Don't listen to people who put you down

If you have big dreams and are willing to take the risks to reach them, there will always be people who like nothing better than putting you down and telling you that it's never going to work. That's because they know they're never going to make more of themselves and so they don't want anybody else to either.

If you've got the entrepreneurial spirit, then contact Chelsea Singh via his business and who knows - maybe you could be working together on the next big thing.

Click here to connect with Chelsea on Facebook or follow Chelsea Singh on Twitter.

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