Wednesday 23 January 2013

Tips for getting investment for your new business – from Chelsea Singh

If you’re thinking of starting up a new business, there’s a good chance you’re going to need investment to get your venture off the ground – even if you are starting on a shoestring budget.
So how do you convince potential investors that you’ve got the goods?
Here are a few pointers to get you going in the right direction.

Do the sums

Any serious investor is going to start talking about numbers, and you’re not going to get anywhere if you’re afraid of them. It’s true that projections for start-ups are notoriously hard – and the real figures are often wildly different – but that doesn’t mean it’s not a worthwhile exercise that may highlight problem areas and determine whether the idea really has any merit to begin with.

Be realistic

You may think that everybody’s going to be beating down your door to purchase hundreds of Thingummywatsits from you, but until you’ve tested the market, you really can’t know. Yes, entrepreneurs need to believe in themselves and have passion and drive, but that doesn’t mean being blindly optimistic.

Do your research

Test the market and find your competitors. This might sound daunting if you’ve never done it before, but you will be in a much stronger position if you get it together enough to do this research. Search the internet on terms that you want people to search for your products on, and see what comes up. Then try a bunch more. You’ll be amazed how many ideas have already been thought of and implemented…
Chelsea Singh is always on the lookout for new investment ideas.

Find out more at CS Investments.

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