Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Could you run your own business? Part Three: Determination

This is the third of three articles exploring what sort of personality traits it takes to run your own business.

You can read the first part of the article here, or, read the second part here.
If you’re considering leaving employment and starting your own business, there must be something that sparked that desire. Perhaps you’re unhappy with your job, or maybe you’re tempted by the advantages of not having a boss, or perhaps (and this is becoming more and more common in the current economic climate) you’ve been made redundant and have a lump sum of money that is inspiring this idea.
But not everybody has what it takes to be an entrepreneur and run their own business. We’ve already looked at how important discipline and a thick skin are – this week we’ll look at perhaps the most important trait of all – determination.


Determination runs underneath discipline and a thick skin – it is the core of everything. All business owners get plenty of knocks along the way, and everybody has some failures. The difference between those that make it as success and those that don’t is determination.
Some people will wobble at the first bad news and throw the towel in. Others will see that as a challenge to relish and will find a way round, over or through the issue. Then, if they’re faced with another, they do it over, and over again.
Running your own business does not allow a lot of room for complacency, if you want an easy life, without stress or uncertainty, then you should probably stick to employment.
But if you’ve got what it takes to keep fighting against the odds, just because it’s in your bones to succeed, then you may have what it takes to become a successful business owner.

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